Our Farm

We are building the future of fresh, healthy, pesticides-free, and nutrient-rich locally grown crops using hydroponic farming technique.

We Have One Goal

Locally Grown Fresh Food Using Sustainable Methods!

Space Efficiency

We use hydroponic systems that are notably space-efficient. Through vertical farming, we maximize land use by stacking multiple layers of crops.

Less Water Usage

Hydroponic farming uses significantly less water compared to traditional soil-based methods. With recirculating systems and precise nutrient delivery, we minimize water usage.

Enhanced Crop Quality

Hydroponic farming procedures provide meticulous control over nutrient levels, light, and environmental factors. So, we grow crops with optimal nutrition, resulting in better taste and increased nutritional value.

Why We Use Hydroponic

Unveiling the Future of Farming

Our choice to embrace hydroponic technology is a testament to our commitment to a greener, more efficient, and healthier future. Hydroponic systems drastically reduce water usage, minimize soil erosion, and decrease the need for harmful chemicals.

We take pride in delivering superior crops. Hydroponic farming allows us to fine-tune nutrient levels and growing conditions for each plant. We are at the forefront of agricultural advancement, continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of farming.

We also do open-field farming. With increased exposure to sunlight, certain types of crops are able to absorb more nutrients. This leads to higher yields and bigger harvests along with more nutritious greens. Our open-field farming season starts from mid-October and lasts till mid-March. 

Our Mission

We use a holistic farming approach by combining hydroponic technology and open-field farming and are constantly striving to provide an efficient and environmentally responsible approach to agriculture in the UAE climate.

Through innovative techniques and a deep-rooted respect for nature, sustainable agriculture stands as a beacon of hope for a greener, healthier tomorrow. And we are proud to be a part of the movement. 

With unwavering dedication and innovative solutions, we are building a future where food is not a privilege but a right. Together, we are sowing the seeds of sustainability, reaping the harvest of resilience, and creating a world where every bite is a taste of security.

Visit Krishi Care Farm

Immerse yourself in an interactive tour of our farm spread over 5 acres of land located in the heart of Dubai, Al Aweer!

This expert-led tour allows you to explore the future of holistic farming where innovation meets sustainability. Uncover sustainable farming practices, witness nature and technology in harmony, and learn about hydroponic farming along with your friends and family, co-workers, or students.

Group tours are priced at AED40/person for a minimum of 5 persons in the group. For school visits, it is AED25/student. Students must be accompanied by teachers/adult supervision.

Book a Tour

Let us know when you would like to visit, type and size of the group, and any questions you may have using the form below and one of our team members will get back to you.

Building a Greener, Healthier & Sustainable Future for Generations to Come!

Being a finance professional for more than 20 years and having worked in UAE and India, I have spent a significant part of my life in the Middle Eastern region and UAE is now a home to me. In my quest to give back to the community while keeping my entrepreneurial drive alive, I wanted to leave a legacy that could shape a healthier, greener, and sustainable future for the next generations.

It has not been an easy journey, but nothing grows in the comfort zone either. The project that I started solo is now backed by a team of professionals and I am so hopeful to grow this team across all Emirates. Our aim is to provide fresh and flavorful produce to our customers through sustainable agricultural practices.

Join us in creating a healthy and prosperous tomorrow.

Bhawna Chopra

Founder & CEO

Our Team


Our growers bring in years of experience in hydroponic farming and are responsible for cultivating, growing, and harvesting nutrient-rich produce.

Plant Pathologists

Our professional plant pathologists identify diseases, pests and other health problems crops may experience and focus on preventing them.

Hydroponic Farm Technicians

Our team of technicians specializes in the maintenance and repair of the equipment and make sure we do not waste any resources.

Farm Manager

Responsible for overall farm management, supervising staff, monitoring crops, managing vendors relations, and handling various administrative tasks.

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