Innovations in Farming – Hydroponics Technology

We have all heard that fertile soil is required for farming. But what if fertile soil is not available; can we still grow the plants? Hydroponics technology comes to our rescue.

What is Hydroponics?

This means growing plants in nutrient solution or in an inert growing medium. Plants are grown in inert growing media and supplied with nutrient-rich solutions, oxygen, and water.

Hydroponics technology works by providing a controlled environment to the plants. This includes control and monitoring of:

  • Maintaining the right pH balance
  • Administering the right nutrient solutions tailored to the particular plants being grown
  • Controlling the right amount of light and temperature which the plant needs
  • Using a proper medium (coco-peat, perlite, rockwool) to provide support to the roots

Risk factors are reduced a lot with a controlled environment. The possibility of pests is significantly less, which means use of pesticides can be avoided which leads to much healthier and high-quality fruits and vegetables.

Advantages of Hydroponics

  • High-quality production
  • Water conservation
  • Proper space utilisation
  • No nutrient deficiency
  • Pesticide residue-free produce
  • Consistency in quality
  • Uninterrupted year-around production
  • Addresses climate issues
  • Faster growth rate

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